Monday, November 06, 2006

In the name of God believe Tom Robinson

A lot of ugly things in this world...
I'm simply defending Tom Robinson....
Some people are born to do unpleasant jobs for us...your father is one of them...
No need to be afraid son...he is all bluff...
All men are created equal..
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it."

A lof of ugly things in Canada...
I'm simply defending Nathalie Gettliffe...
Some people are born to do unpleasant jobs for us....your mother is one of them....
No need to be afraid Nathalie..... the leg chains and handcuffs while you were in labour....they were just your imagination....
All Canadians are created equal..... except for the natives and Nathalie Gettliffe and her children.
You never really understand a MOTHER until you consider things from her point of view..... until you climb inside her skin and walk around in it...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How are we supposed to know Nathalie gettliffe's story if the Canada media keeps only telling the father's side of the story?