Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Words really hit home!
Oceans apart, day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice, on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
How can we say forever
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Dear Josephine and Max,
I am writing these words to let you know that your Mom in France carries you deeply in her heart....
She is doing her best.....
Continue to pray that you will be home soon in France
because Home is where the heart is!
May God Bless you abundantly children,
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Lo and behold
Sad state of affairs when a father writes in a report that "the children had adjusted to seeing their mother in jail"...
In the same document, when it is referred to the mother informing her children in December that she does not know when she will see them again.... the father writes "she could have said.......your dad and I will be working on when we can see each other and the judge will help us do that".
Scott Grant....you are the person who is dishonest with the kids.
In this same affidavit you provide pages worth discrediting your ex-wife with the sole purpose of preventing the children from seeing their mother.
People like you, are easy to read.
You are not at all interested in the children's welfare.
You have used your family connections to distort justice.
Your "sect", and I refer to ICC, indeed meets on BC justice property.
You lied to the Canadian public when you said you were surprised to see your wife in Canada.
I have a document in which the mediator (Pamela Jeffrey BC Attorney General) discusses Nathalie Gettliffe's trip to the province in spring 2006.
In the same series of documents (mediation) you signed your agreement that the children were better off with their mother and that France would remain their home...and in yet another document, again official BC mediation, you explained that your resorting to the BC courts (I refer to Justice Garson's revised order) was to enable you to obtain compensation money from the French government.
In the meantime, I ask a caring mother or father who may know Josephine and/or Max...... to let them know that there are Canadians abroad who are well aware of their suffering and are doing everything possible to help them obtain the right to be heard by a neutral judge in the presence of a lawyer...... their own!
In the same document, when it is referred to the mother informing her children in December that she does not know when she will see them again.... the father writes "she could have said.......your dad and I will be working on when we can see each other and the judge will help us do that".
Scott Grant....you are the person who is dishonest with the kids.
In this same affidavit you provide pages worth discrediting your ex-wife with the sole purpose of preventing the children from seeing their mother.
People like you, are easy to read.
You are not at all interested in the children's welfare.
You have used your family connections to distort justice.
Your "sect", and I refer to ICC, indeed meets on BC justice property.
You lied to the Canadian public when you said you were surprised to see your wife in Canada.
I have a document in which the mediator (Pamela Jeffrey BC Attorney General) discusses Nathalie Gettliffe's trip to the province in spring 2006.
In the same series of documents (mediation) you signed your agreement that the children were better off with their mother and that France would remain their home...and in yet another document, again official BC mediation, you explained that your resorting to the BC courts (I refer to Justice Garson's revised order) was to enable you to obtain compensation money from the French government.
In the meantime, I ask a caring mother or father who may know Josephine and/or Max...... to let them know that there are Canadians abroad who are well aware of their suffering and are doing everything possible to help them obtain the right to be heard by a neutral judge in the presence of a lawyer...... their own!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Seeking information!
I received a copy today of an order dated March 8, 2007 emanating from Judge Garson forbidding Nathalie Gettliffe, French citizen, from speaking French to her children. Likewise she forbids the Gettliffe children from speaking French to their mother.
I am asking all concerned Canadians to provide me with any other documented proof on similar conduct of Justice Garson.
Further, based on reports received on Justice Holmes, please send this site any information you may have on similar behaviour from this judge.
United, ordinary citizens can get to the bottom of what is going on in the BC courts with regards to custody decisions.
I have also been advised that certain BC residents, not sure if they are Canadian citizens, have had their children removed from them subsequent to divorce decisions for no apparent reason.
Your information will be treated in total confidence. Please provide enough details so that official documents can be verified with court records.
Thank you.
OTTAWA, March 22, 2001 -- The Honourable Anne McLellan, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today announced the following appointments:
Nicole Garson, Q.C., of Vancouver is appointed a Judge of the British Columbia Supreme Court. She replaces the Mr. Justice Ken M. Lysyk who elected to become a supernumerary judge.
Madam Justice Garson received a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Saskatchewan in 1975. She was admitted to the Bar of Manitoba in 1977, and the Bar of British Columbia in 1981. Just prior to her appointment, Madam Justice Garson was a partner with the Vancouver firm of Campney & Murphy, praticing primarily in commercial and insurance litigation. She has been active with the Canadian Bar Association serving on various committees. Madam Justice Garson has been an instructor for numerous civil litigation courses through the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia. She was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1999.
Heather Holmes of Vancouver is appointed a Judge of the British Columbia Supreme Court. She replaces the Mr. Justice R.T. Low who was appointed to the British Columbia Court of Appeal.
Madam Justice Holmes received a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Toronto in 1979 maintaining a position on the Dean's Honours List for all three years of study. She was admitted to the Bar of British Columbia in 1981. Madam Justice Holmes began practice with Shrum, Liddle and Hebenton (now McCarthy, Tétrault) in Vancouver later spending four years with the Criminal Law Section of the Department of Justice in Ottawa. At the time of her appointment, she was Crown Counsel with the Commercial Crime Section of the Office of the Attorney General of British Columbia conducting commercial crime prosecutions and from time to time, appeals in general criminal law areas. Throughout her career, Madam Justice Holmes has been active with various committees of the Canadian Bar Association including having served as an elected member of the Provincial Council for Vancouver County and as the Chair of the Legislation and Law Reform Committee.
I am asking all concerned Canadians to provide me with any other documented proof on similar conduct of Justice Garson.
Further, based on reports received on Justice Holmes, please send this site any information you may have on similar behaviour from this judge.
United, ordinary citizens can get to the bottom of what is going on in the BC courts with regards to custody decisions.
I have also been advised that certain BC residents, not sure if they are Canadian citizens, have had their children removed from them subsequent to divorce decisions for no apparent reason.
Your information will be treated in total confidence. Please provide enough details so that official documents can be verified with court records.
Thank you.
OTTAWA, March 22, 2001 -- The Honourable Anne McLellan, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today announced the following appointments:
Nicole Garson, Q.C., of Vancouver is appointed a Judge of the British Columbia Supreme Court. She replaces the Mr. Justice Ken M. Lysyk who elected to become a supernumerary judge.
Madam Justice Garson received a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Saskatchewan in 1975. She was admitted to the Bar of Manitoba in 1977, and the Bar of British Columbia in 1981. Just prior to her appointment, Madam Justice Garson was a partner with the Vancouver firm of Campney & Murphy, praticing primarily in commercial and insurance litigation. She has been active with the Canadian Bar Association serving on various committees. Madam Justice Garson has been an instructor for numerous civil litigation courses through the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia. She was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1999.
Heather Holmes of Vancouver is appointed a Judge of the British Columbia Supreme Court. She replaces the Mr. Justice R.T. Low who was appointed to the British Columbia Court of Appeal.
Madam Justice Holmes received a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Toronto in 1979 maintaining a position on the Dean's Honours List for all three years of study. She was admitted to the Bar of British Columbia in 1981. Madam Justice Holmes began practice with Shrum, Liddle and Hebenton (now McCarthy, Tétrault) in Vancouver later spending four years with the Criminal Law Section of the Department of Justice in Ottawa. At the time of her appointment, she was Crown Counsel with the Commercial Crime Section of the Office of the Attorney General of British Columbia conducting commercial crime prosecutions and from time to time, appeals in general criminal law areas. Throughout her career, Madam Justice Holmes has been active with various committees of the Canadian Bar Association including having served as an elected member of the Provincial Council for Vancouver County and as the Chair of the Legislation and Law Reform Committee.
Some inconsistencies in Benoit Ferradini!
Surfing the net I came across this article....
And being a little fed up with the biased journalism, I thought I would add my comments to the story.
Nathalie Gettliffe a commis beaucoup d’erreurs/ If you read below..you will see he talks about the prejudice of a group of Canadians.... it has nothing to do with Gettliffe making mistakes...it is Ferradini's attempt at disguising reported speech, which probably had its source in the prosecutor's office.
LYON MAGhttp://www.lyonmag.com/spip.php?article9916
Janvier 2007
Journaliste français installé au Canada, Benoît Ferradini a suivi le procès de Nathalie Gettliffe pour Radio-Canada. Il explique pourquoi cette enseignante lyonnaise a été condamnée à seize mois de prison pour avoir enlevé ses enfants.
Pourquoi la justice canadienne a condamné aussi durement Nathalie Gettliffe ?
Benoît Ferradini : Parce qu’au Canada, qui est un pays très légaliste, Nathalie Gettliffe est considérée comme une criminelle. Et là-bas, une femme qui enlève ses enfants est ni plus ni moins qu’une hors-la-loi. Mais si Nathalie Gettliffe a été durement condamnée, c’est également parce qu’elle a commis beaucoup d’erreurs depuis qu’elle a été arrêtée. Des erreurs qui l’ont totalement décrédibilisée. Why would a judge convict someone on anything other than the charges laid?
Quelles erreurs elle a commises ?
Les Canadiens ont trouvé stupide et arrogant qu’après avoir enlevé ses enfants, elle revienne tranquillement au Canada en pensant échapper à toute poursuite judiciaire. That's just it! Think about it. Why would an intelligent women have come back and taken such a risk, especially after all the legal decisions had gone against her. If I had been the judge.... I would have wondered why too. Further, if I were a little astute I would have asked the question to the accused at the arraignment hearing. And then upon production of the signed British Columbia Attorney General Mediation agreement by a competent lawyer acting on behalf of the accused..... wherein the father had signed permission for the children to stay in France with the mother ..... I would have said....what then seems to be the problem? Further if the accused's lawyer would have brought to MY attention the fact that the prosecutor Luchenko, facing me, was the partner of Scott Grant's mother..... I would have dismissed the hearing..... and asked the attorney general to investigate the conduct of Luchenko. Maybe not the Attorney General of BC as they don't recognise the mediation agreements they initiate! Just ask Pamela Jeffrey!
Ensuite, ils n’ont pas compris lorsqu’elle a annoncé qu’elle voulait se présenter à l’élection présidentielle en France pour échapper à toute condamnation !
If this journalist knew anything about French politics he would be aware that ordinary citizens with no political background can run for President or for the legislatives.
And it happens!
Enfin, les Canadiens n’ont pas du tout apprécié le livre qu’elle a écrit avec son compagnon, Francis Gruzelle, et dans lequel ils racontent son histoire. Car ce livre présente le Canada comme un véritable enfer, où la justice est noyautée par une secte, où les prisons ressemblent à Guantanamo... D’ailleurs, cette campagne médiatique contre le Canada lui a fait beaucoup de tort.
I find this statement incredible for a journalist who makes his living by writing stories!
Freedom of the press exists in Canada, doesn't it?
If there were slander in the story, why wouldn't Gettliffe and her partner be brought to court?
Nathalie Gettliffe a menti ?
J’ai interviewé Nathalie Gettliffe plusieurs fois. Et au cours de ces entretiens, j’ai relevé certaines incohérences dans son témoignage. Exemple : une fois, elle m’a affirmé que son ex-mari Scott Grant couchait avec sa fille ! Alors qu’elle ne l’avait jamais dit aux policiers ! Et quand je lui ai demandé des précisions, elle n’a pas été claire. D’ailleurs, elle n’a jamais accusé clairement son mari d’inceste. Mais s’est contentée plutôt de faire des sous-entendus...
Please read the court reports..... you can find them online.... the judge herself mentions the father sleeping with the daughter...as well she mentions the fascination that the child apparently had for her father's genitalia. Frankly, I was surprised that the judge included this in her decision but she did.
D’autres incohérences ?
En fait, c’est surtout son compagnon français Gruzelle qui a joué un rôle assez trouble. Notamment quand il a déclaré aux journalistes que Scott Grant battait ses enfants depuis qu’il en avait obtenu la garde au Canada. Il affirme même avoir un témoin ! Du coup, j’ai demandé des explications à Nathalie Gettliffe sur ces accusations. Et elle m’a avoué qu’elle n’était pas au courant de cette affaire !
Yes unfortunate if Gruzelle said this.... but in fact Grant used physical force to restrain Josephine on several occasions..... further, he is quite insensitive to the childrens' suffering as evidenced by testimony.
Mais son mari était tout de même membre d’une secte !
C’est vrai que Scott Grant est membre de l’Eglise internationale du Christ. Et Nathalie Gettliffe dit la vérité à propos du contrôle de l’emploi du temps des adeptes, de leur vie familiale, de la présence imposée d’un guide spirituel, de l’éloignement des enfants pour que les parents se consacrent à l’étude de la Bible... Mais il faut également souligner que depuis 2003 cette secte a beaucoup évolué : ses dirigeants ont changé, et il paraît qu’il y a moins de recrutements agressifs. D’ailleurs, il y a de moins en moins de plaintes contre elle. Ce qui a permis d’ailleurs à Scott Grant de dire qu’elle n’était pas dangereuse pour ses enfants.
This is hilarious.... a sect does not become less of a sect....further, it is well known that even so-called respectable churches such as vineyard (airport Toronto) have come under heavy criticism for encouragement and tolerance of demonic manifestations.
Having spent most of my life now, attempting as best as I can to follow Christ's example by helping others, I think I can say that a Christian ....is someone who loves his fellow human being and does not use deceit in order to obtain selfish gain. Vengeance has no place in the life of a Christian.
And being a little fed up with the biased journalism, I thought I would add my comments to the story.
Nathalie Gettliffe a commis beaucoup d’erreurs/ If you read below..you will see he talks about the prejudice of a group of Canadians.... it has nothing to do with Gettliffe making mistakes...it is Ferradini's attempt at disguising reported speech, which probably had its source in the prosecutor's office.
LYON MAGhttp://www.lyonmag.com/spip.php?article9916
Janvier 2007
Journaliste français installé au Canada, Benoît Ferradini a suivi le procès de Nathalie Gettliffe pour Radio-Canada. Il explique pourquoi cette enseignante lyonnaise a été condamnée à seize mois de prison pour avoir enlevé ses enfants.
Pourquoi la justice canadienne a condamné aussi durement Nathalie Gettliffe ?
Benoît Ferradini : Parce qu’au Canada, qui est un pays très légaliste, Nathalie Gettliffe est considérée comme une criminelle. Et là-bas, une femme qui enlève ses enfants est ni plus ni moins qu’une hors-la-loi. Mais si Nathalie Gettliffe a été durement condamnée, c’est également parce qu’elle a commis beaucoup d’erreurs depuis qu’elle a été arrêtée. Des erreurs qui l’ont totalement décrédibilisée. Why would a judge convict someone on anything other than the charges laid?
Quelles erreurs elle a commises ?
Les Canadiens ont trouvé stupide et arrogant qu’après avoir enlevé ses enfants, elle revienne tranquillement au Canada en pensant échapper à toute poursuite judiciaire. That's just it! Think about it. Why would an intelligent women have come back and taken such a risk, especially after all the legal decisions had gone against her. If I had been the judge.... I would have wondered why too. Further, if I were a little astute I would have asked the question to the accused at the arraignment hearing. And then upon production of the signed British Columbia Attorney General Mediation agreement by a competent lawyer acting on behalf of the accused..... wherein the father had signed permission for the children to stay in France with the mother ..... I would have said....what then seems to be the problem? Further if the accused's lawyer would have brought to MY attention the fact that the prosecutor Luchenko, facing me, was the partner of Scott Grant's mother..... I would have dismissed the hearing..... and asked the attorney general to investigate the conduct of Luchenko. Maybe not the Attorney General of BC as they don't recognise the mediation agreements they initiate! Just ask Pamela Jeffrey!
Ensuite, ils n’ont pas compris lorsqu’elle a annoncé qu’elle voulait se présenter à l’élection présidentielle en France pour échapper à toute condamnation !
If this journalist knew anything about French politics he would be aware that ordinary citizens with no political background can run for President or for the legislatives.
And it happens!
Enfin, les Canadiens n’ont pas du tout apprécié le livre qu’elle a écrit avec son compagnon, Francis Gruzelle, et dans lequel ils racontent son histoire. Car ce livre présente le Canada comme un véritable enfer, où la justice est noyautée par une secte, où les prisons ressemblent à Guantanamo... D’ailleurs, cette campagne médiatique contre le Canada lui a fait beaucoup de tort.
I find this statement incredible for a journalist who makes his living by writing stories!
Freedom of the press exists in Canada, doesn't it?
If there were slander in the story, why wouldn't Gettliffe and her partner be brought to court?
Nathalie Gettliffe a menti ?
J’ai interviewé Nathalie Gettliffe plusieurs fois. Et au cours de ces entretiens, j’ai relevé certaines incohérences dans son témoignage. Exemple : une fois, elle m’a affirmé que son ex-mari Scott Grant couchait avec sa fille ! Alors qu’elle ne l’avait jamais dit aux policiers ! Et quand je lui ai demandé des précisions, elle n’a pas été claire. D’ailleurs, elle n’a jamais accusé clairement son mari d’inceste. Mais s’est contentée plutôt de faire des sous-entendus...
Please read the court reports..... you can find them online.... the judge herself mentions the father sleeping with the daughter...as well she mentions the fascination that the child apparently had for her father's genitalia. Frankly, I was surprised that the judge included this in her decision but she did.
D’autres incohérences ?
En fait, c’est surtout son compagnon français Gruzelle qui a joué un rôle assez trouble. Notamment quand il a déclaré aux journalistes que Scott Grant battait ses enfants depuis qu’il en avait obtenu la garde au Canada. Il affirme même avoir un témoin ! Du coup, j’ai demandé des explications à Nathalie Gettliffe sur ces accusations. Et elle m’a avoué qu’elle n’était pas au courant de cette affaire !
Yes unfortunate if Gruzelle said this.... but in fact Grant used physical force to restrain Josephine on several occasions..... further, he is quite insensitive to the childrens' suffering as evidenced by testimony.
Mais son mari était tout de même membre d’une secte !
C’est vrai que Scott Grant est membre de l’Eglise internationale du Christ. Et Nathalie Gettliffe dit la vérité à propos du contrôle de l’emploi du temps des adeptes, de leur vie familiale, de la présence imposée d’un guide spirituel, de l’éloignement des enfants pour que les parents se consacrent à l’étude de la Bible... Mais il faut également souligner que depuis 2003 cette secte a beaucoup évolué : ses dirigeants ont changé, et il paraît qu’il y a moins de recrutements agressifs. D’ailleurs, il y a de moins en moins de plaintes contre elle. Ce qui a permis d’ailleurs à Scott Grant de dire qu’elle n’était pas dangereuse pour ses enfants.
This is hilarious.... a sect does not become less of a sect....further, it is well known that even so-called respectable churches such as vineyard (airport Toronto) have come under heavy criticism for encouragement and tolerance of demonic manifestations.
Having spent most of my life now, attempting as best as I can to follow Christ's example by helping others, I think I can say that a Christian ....is someone who loves his fellow human being and does not use deceit in order to obtain selfish gain. Vengeance has no place in the life of a Christian.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
René would roll over in his grave!
War correspondent
He worked as an announcer and news writer at the radio station CHNC in New Carlisle, as a substitute announcer for CHRC during 1941 and 1942, and then at CBV in Quebec City. During 1944–1945, he served as a liaison officer and war correspondent for the U.S. Army in Europe. He reported from London while it was under regular bombardment by the Luftwaffe, and advanced with the Allied troops as they swept back the Nazis through France and Germany. Through the war, he made regular journalistic reports on the airwaves and in print. He was with the first unit of Americans to reach the Dachau concentration camp, and was profoundly touched by what he witnessed.
In 1947, he married Louise L'Heureux, with whom he would have two sons and a daughter. Lévesque worked as a reporter for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's French Language sector in the international service. He once more served as a war correspondent for the CBC in the Korean War in 1952. After that war, he was offered a career in journalism in the United States, but decided to stay in Quebec.
He worked as an announcer and news writer at the radio station CHNC in New Carlisle, as a substitute announcer for CHRC during 1941 and 1942, and then at CBV in Quebec City. During 1944–1945, he served as a liaison officer and war correspondent for the U.S. Army in Europe. He reported from London while it was under regular bombardment by the Luftwaffe, and advanced with the Allied troops as they swept back the Nazis through France and Germany. Through the war, he made regular journalistic reports on the airwaves and in print. He was with the first unit of Americans to reach the Dachau concentration camp, and was profoundly touched by what he witnessed.
In 1947, he married Louise L'Heureux, with whom he would have two sons and a daughter. Lévesque worked as a reporter for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's French Language sector in the international service. He once more served as a war correspondent for the CBC in the Korean War in 1952. After that war, he was offered a career in journalism in the United States, but decided to stay in Quebec.
On March 8th 2007, British Columbia justice Nicole GARSON court-ordered Maximilien and Josephine Gettliffe-Grant from speaking French to their mother.
What would René think of Nicole GARSON outlawing the Gettliffe-Grant children from speaking French, Canada's other official language?
What would lawyer Pierre Trudeau have said concerning this whole affair.
And John Diefenbaker over the treatment of the mother and the forced detention of the children in "the true north strong and free"!
I think all would have said.... this is a story of vengeance.... and has nothing to do with upholding the law of CANADA!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Let's hear it for the girls!
Nathalie Gettliffe: "Je vais me battre pour récupérer mes enfants"
Nathalie Gettliffe (d), lors d'une conférence de presse à Satillieu le 17 janvier 2007
La Française Nathalie Gettliffe, condamnée en décembre à 16 mois de prison par la justice canadienne pour l'enlèvement de deux de ses enfants, a affirmé mercredi à Satillieu (Ardèche) qu'elle allait "se battre pour (les) récupérer".
Mme Gettliffe, emprisonné initialement en Colombie-Britannique (ouest du Canada), a bénéficié samedi d'une libération conditionnelle alors qu'elle se trouvait à la maison d'arrêt de Fleury-Mérogis (Essonne). Elle a aussitôt regagné son domicile ardéchois de Saint-Alban-d'Ay.
Ses deux enfants aînés sont restés avec leur père au Canada.
"Mes enfants (Maximilien, 13 ans, et Joséphine, 11 ans et demi, ndlr) sont séquestrés, je n'ai pas le droit de leur écrire ni de leur téléphoner. Je vais me battre pour les récupérer et je fais toutes les démarches pour", a déclaré la jeune femme, 35 ans, lors d'une conférence de presse.
"Je me fais du souci pour mes enfants dont je n'ai plus de nouvelle depuis le 16 décembre", a-t-elle ajouté.
Arrivée au point-presse en compagnie de ses plus jeunes fils -Martin, 4 mois, né en détention au Canada, et Jean-Philippe, 17 mois-, de leur père Francis Gruzelle et de ses avocats, Nathalie Gettliffe, a expliqué combien son "combat" pour récupérer ses enfants était "juste".
"Une enquête sociale a été lancée en novembre dernier par le juge canadien des affaires familiales, qui statuera sur la future résidence des enfants d'ici mars ou avril", a-t-elle précisé.
Son avocat a affirmé avoir fait une demande auprès de la justice canadienne pour que Maximilien et Joséphine soient assistés d'un avocat dans le cadre de cette procédure.
"Leur vie est ici, en Ardèche", a expliqué Me Dominique Chambon. "Ils souffrent tous les deux d'un profond déséquilibre mental. Nous voulons qu'ils reviennent afin que la famille soit recomposée", a renchéri Me Samuel Cornu.
"Je suis très fatiguée et affaiblie. Je ne me suis pas encore remise d'un accouchement très très violent, beaucoup de sensations me manquent", a-t-elle déclaré, affirmant qu'elle avait souffert de "privations de sommeil".
"On ne m'a pas fait de cadeaux, ni en France, ni au Canada", a souligné la jeune maman, titulaire d'un doctorat en sciences du langage et qui a l'obligation de travailler" dans le cadre de sa libération conditionnelle.
Nathalie Gettliffe (d), lors d'une conférence de presse à Satillieu le 17 janvier 2007
La Française Nathalie Gettliffe, condamnée en décembre à 16 mois de prison par la justice canadienne pour l'enlèvement de deux de ses enfants, a affirmé mercredi à Satillieu (Ardèche) qu'elle allait "se battre pour (les) récupérer".
Mme Gettliffe, emprisonné initialement en Colombie-Britannique (ouest du Canada), a bénéficié samedi d'une libération conditionnelle alors qu'elle se trouvait à la maison d'arrêt de Fleury-Mérogis (Essonne). Elle a aussitôt regagné son domicile ardéchois de Saint-Alban-d'Ay.
Ses deux enfants aînés sont restés avec leur père au Canada.
"Mes enfants (Maximilien, 13 ans, et Joséphine, 11 ans et demi, ndlr) sont séquestrés, je n'ai pas le droit de leur écrire ni de leur téléphoner. Je vais me battre pour les récupérer et je fais toutes les démarches pour", a déclaré la jeune femme, 35 ans, lors d'une conférence de presse.
"Je me fais du souci pour mes enfants dont je n'ai plus de nouvelle depuis le 16 décembre", a-t-elle ajouté.
Arrivée au point-presse en compagnie de ses plus jeunes fils -Martin, 4 mois, né en détention au Canada, et Jean-Philippe, 17 mois-, de leur père Francis Gruzelle et de ses avocats, Nathalie Gettliffe, a expliqué combien son "combat" pour récupérer ses enfants était "juste".
"Une enquête sociale a été lancée en novembre dernier par le juge canadien des affaires familiales, qui statuera sur la future résidence des enfants d'ici mars ou avril", a-t-elle précisé.
Son avocat a affirmé avoir fait une demande auprès de la justice canadienne pour que Maximilien et Joséphine soient assistés d'un avocat dans le cadre de cette procédure.
"Leur vie est ici, en Ardèche", a expliqué Me Dominique Chambon. "Ils souffrent tous les deux d'un profond déséquilibre mental. Nous voulons qu'ils reviennent afin que la famille soit recomposée", a renchéri Me Samuel Cornu.
"Je suis très fatiguée et affaiblie. Je ne me suis pas encore remise d'un accouchement très très violent, beaucoup de sensations me manquent", a-t-elle déclaré, affirmant qu'elle avait souffert de "privations de sommeil".
"On ne m'a pas fait de cadeaux, ni en France, ni au Canada", a souligné la jeune maman, titulaire d'un doctorat en sciences du langage et qui a l'obligation de travailler" dans le cadre de sa libération conditionnelle.
What a beautiful woman!
Yes beauty is within, this courageous woman who despite her shattered nerves continues to do her utmost to protect her children.
Nathalie Gettliffe spoke for the first time today to the press..... in her hometown of Satillieu Ardèche.
I will include some excerpts in the blog.
P.S. Perhaps the Vancouver Sun's artist should take some lessons from the AFP photographer....
Friday, January 12, 2007
Nathalie Gettliffe and her Children - Pawns in the International Chess Game Being Played With Children
Happy New Year...or is it?
Maybe for you and your family - but what about Josephine and Maximilien Gettliffe-Grant, two young children forced to live with their father in Vancouver, after their mother was spirited back to France just before Christmas to serve out the rest of her sentence?
How do you think these children are feeling since the Supreme Court of British Columbia deported their mother and confined them to live in a country that has become a strange and terrifying place?
Jo and Max lived in France for five years with their mother until July 2006, when they were lured onto an aeroplane by one Father/Dr. Lucien Larre, currently under investigation by the College of Psychologists of British Columbia.
They were promised that their mother would be set free from prison if they flew to Canada. She was not. Their trust was shattered yet again. And now, they are subject to Lucien Larre, who has been hired by their father, Scott Grant, as an "interpreter".
Are you getting goosebumps yet??
Lucien Larre was interviewed by the CBC's Fifth Estate several years ago on national Canadian television, along with adult survivors of Larre's attempts to strangle them, slap them and confine them to a wheelchair.
Larre's response when the CBC journalist asks him if he truly strangled any children -
"Find me a dead one..."
The arrogance of a psychopath? Or just a very powerful person with powerful connections in government and the Catholic church?
Our concerns are:
1. Lucien Larre has unlimited access to Josephine and Maximilien Gettliffe Grant. How do we know he isn't going to slap them or strangle them if they don't listen to him?
Where is the evidence that he is rehabilitated?
The Archdiocese of Vancouver seems to believe that Larre is an upstanding member of their community who is quite frank about his past. Oh really? Then why does Larre deny the crimes he committed against the victims who appeared on the Fifth Estate documentary?
(Yes, copies are available folks...)
2. Their mother, Nathalie Gettliffe, is prevented from protecting her children because she has been shipped back to France along with her infant son, as if she were chattle.
3. Francis Gruzelle, Nathalie's common-law husband in France, says that little Josephine is talking of suicide.
4. Scott Grant, the father, thinks it is perfectly alright to have Lucien Larre hanging around these vulnerable children - no wonder Nathalie felt she had no choice but to leave him and seek refuge with her children - his judgement seems to be impaired!
5. The children are now forced to attend Scott Grant's church in Vancouver, the International Church of Christ which is alleged to contain cult elements by experts in the United States and France.
6. The children have grown up in France, they were settled in France and they were protected from influence by any church group by their mother. Now, they are forced to live in a country they do not know, with a father who is a stranger to them and who cannot communicate with them because he doesn't speak French.
7. Nathalie Gettliffe plead guilty under duress. She was told that she could return to France if she plead guilty. Her infant son was physically assaulted in prison.
8. Nathalie Gettliffe had a legitimate defense. Section 285 of the Canadian Criminal Code states that if you removed a child from its habitual residence in order to protect the child, you have a legitimate defense.
9. The State has been playing Chess with Nathalie Gettliffe and her children, Josephine and Maximilien.
Ask yourselves - qui bono? Who benefits?
Lucien Larre - a Catholic priest with a shady past who was convicted of assaulting children
Scott Grant - a father who seems to be have duped by this Catholic priest and who is controlled by his ego
B.C. Crown Counsel - re-enforcing their motto: "might is right".
Gail Dickson - B.C. Crown Counsel who has been nominated as a Supreme Court Judge - just a coincidence, nothing to worry about.
The Family lawyers - their bank accounts just got fatter.
B.C. Politicians - another show of force against the meek to keep the masses in check.
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