Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Sordid Tale of Deceit and Lies and Children's Broken Hearts

It has been 7 months since young Josephine and Maximillien have been forcibly separated from their mother, Nathalie Gettliffe, who is court-ordered to remain in jail since her arrest in April this year.

The children have been living in France with their mother and her husband, Francis and their younger brother, Jean Phillippe, for the past five years. This year in January, Scott Grant, their father, agreed in writing that they should continue to live with their mother in France. He acknowledged that they were settled, happy, immersed in the community at school and with their friends and family there.

Then, suddenly, in April this year, after he had led Nathalie to believe that she and the children were safe and that she could come to Canada to defend her thesis at UBC without fear, he showed his true colours and prompted the RCMP to have her arrested and thrown in prison after she had arrived at Vancouver airport.

Then, once Nathalie, who was four months pregnant at the time was behind bars, he climbed on an airplane with a Catholic priest who once had a criminal record for choking and slapping a little child, and flew to France. Once there, they searched for the children who were being protected by family. They knew Nathalie was in jail. They did their best to protect Josephine and Max. But corruption knows no limits - bribes were paid, favours were exchanged and the next thing, Father Lucien Larre, the priest with the shady past, was telling the children that if they went onto the airplane with him, that their mother would be instantly released from prison.
What a bastard! He also showed his true colours.
They flew the children to Canada under false pretences in July 2006. And then, when they landed, they learned that they would be forced to live with a man who believes that their mother is "sick", see the Vancouver Sun article of July 2006, and who states publically that their mother is "quite happy in jail".
What a sick joke!
Well, here's a News Flash - there are more and more of us working every single day to help Nathalie and her France and in Canada. We will not give up until the corruption behind Scott Grant and Lucien Larre is exposed and until Nathalie and all her children are safe.
Shame on Canada for allowing this to happen to this family!

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