Sunday, December 10, 2006

"Artist" Defames Nathalie Gettliffe in the Vancouver Sun

Have a good, long look at these two images. The first one, a drawing, by an artist, is supposed to be of Nathalie Gettliffe. It was published in the Vancouver Sun on December 04, 2006, along with a discriminating article by Jeff Lee. Now have a look at the second image, it is a photograph of Nathalie and her baby boy, Martin. Do you see any resemblance? Do you notice how the "artist" has contorted Nathalie's features, put a scowl on her face and distorted her image as a mother? This is called "defamation of character" and its intention is to incite hatred. The Vancouver Sun will be hearing from us, and so will their "artist" buddy.


Anonymous said...

I just sent your article to the head of the vancouver Sun (I live here) and he just laughed his head off......

Maxine Pour Les Enfants said...

I wonder how hard he'll be laughing when we're suing his ass in court?