Friday, November 03, 2006

HONESTY is what I really need!

Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard. And mostly what I need from you. I can always find someone to say they sympathize. All I want is someone to believe. Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard. And mostly what I need from you.

I believe these are the words that Nathalie is thinking about at this time!
All she wanted was one Canadian authority to be honest with her.
But I don’t think any were….

Nobody wanted the TRUTH!
This case was about SAVING FACE, never honesty!

This is a very sad moment for Canada…….. the Nathalie Gettliffe case will be recorded as one of the saddest cover-ups discriminating against mothers and children!
An innocent woman…..sleep-deprived, suffering from post partum blues, harassed by violent inmates, woken up every hour of the night by jail guards poking a flashlight in her eyes…..made to plead guilty….. because neither the French government nor the Canadian government wanted their errors to go on trial!


Anonymous said...

Pfff... Vous en êtes encore à colporter des rumeurs sans preuves. Ma pauvre...
Quant à plaider coupable, vous êtes la seule à ne pas comprendre que c'est pour Nathalie le moyen de sortir le plus rapidement de prison. Vous dites que ça évite surtout aux gouvernements de voir leurs "erreurs" étalées au grand jour ? Descendez de votre nuage, ma p'tite dame.
Si Nathalie va au procès, ça risque d'être une hécatombe pour elle vu les stupidités diffamantes que répand son compagnon français depuis des mois...
Faut se réveiller...

Maxine Pour Les Enfants said...

I wonder who this is writing and trying to sound wise – Father Lucien Larre, is this you? Why do you not have the courage to introduce yourself?

You are prepared to stand on the podium and shout your mouth off, yet, you will not announce yourself – this is the mark of a coward.

Je qui demande ceci écrit et essaie de sembler sage – Lucien Larre, ceci vous est ? Pourquoi vous n’avez pas du courage à vous introduire ?

Vous êtes préparé à tenir sur l’estrade, mais vous ne vous annoncerez pas – ceci est la marque d’un lâche.

Moderator said...

In answer to "Faut se réveiller" Why would you assume that she is guilty.
Why wouldn't you want the court to decide?

I think you know full well the reason why she pled guilty.
Because 2 weeks ago.... when the governments started getting nervous about the upcoming trial and the possibility of very damaging information getting out into the public, certain pressure tactics were put into place to discourage Nathalie from going forward.

One of them being financial. She was told to come up with an extra 100 000 $ CAD to pay for projected legal costs.
She didn't have the money.

And this my friend is the truth!

Nothing but the truth
so help me God!

Louise Roussel

And yes I sign my name because I stand by what I say.
Unlike you - coward!